Latest site updates 6 October 2016 -
Club Location
During the winter months, depending on the weather and the age groups attending we have options: A) to take a group out around the Town with a variety of training situations. B) Use the Gym for a range of fitness training, Sports Hall type activities and games. Or both.
We also plan to use the “Beep Test” at certain times to monitor progress over the year. This is conducted by Coaches and is related to age and ability.
Additionally for a selected group of usually older Juniors, Pete Jones provides more serious longer runs , faster speed sessions and hill work, in and around Langport. This is on every Wednesday as part of our normal Club night meeting at 7pm till approx 8 pm starting from the Langport and Huish Sports and Social Club. This group includes County Standard Athletes.
Contacts |
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Running Guidelines |
Other Races 2016 |
SLaMM 2011 |
BOS 2011 |
Cross Country |
BOS 2012 |
About |
Moor Fun Run |
Allowable Distances |
Training Venue |
Junior Contacts |
Coaching |
Results |