Latest site updates 6 October 2016 -
Club Location
Good reasons to be a member of Langport Runners Junior Club
We can help you enjoy and achieve success in all your sporting activities.You can choose to be a sprinter or long distance runner. From 60 m sprints to 800m ,1500 m ,track or cross country. With selected members we include some road running.
We provide coaching for School athletics and cross country events.
Joint Senior and Junior Training sessions ensure competition.
Annual membership subscription is £5 plus £1 for each session you attend.
Members receive an initial free club tee shirt with the club logo on the chest.
You will get a weekly training session on Huish Academy grass track in the summer and in the large School gymnasium in the winter plus some road running in selected small groups, 50 weeks of the year.
UKA licensed coaches to give advice and support. Parental support and assistance is welcomed
Annual club awards for a wide range of achievement at all levels.
We encourage members to enter local races and fun runs suitable for Juniors and their age group. A list is available.
We encourage members to take part in other sports.
We have a Junior Club Facebook page for exchange of information and publicising results.
We organise Club fun runs for Juniors. (Curry Rivel and Battle of Sedgemoor.)
Members who regularly turn up for training become good athletes, get fitter , stronger and achieve better results.
To enquire about joining contact:
Pete Jones 01458251486 or Dave German 01458 259688
Contacts |
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Running Guidelines |
Other Races 2015 |
SLaMM 2011 |
BOS 2011 |
Cross Country |
BOS 2012 |
Results |